Daily tasks (PC & Mobile Phone) - 300 Points by Day

There are multiple ways to obtain points every day, if you are constant you can earn over 9000 points every month. Ok, but How much money are 9000 points?. Easy, 10$. (Not Bad)  


Obtain 162 points every day using Microsoft Bing search engine, you only have to make searches (Every search generates 3 points)

            - 90 points using Bing in PC
            - 60 points using Bing in mobile phones o use developer view in PC.
            - 12 points using Microsoft Edge Browser

    If you think this is a waste of time there is an alternative option. Community created a Apk that with only one click you the mobile phone complete all the searches automatically in 1-2 minutes-       


Do the daily set every day to increase your Streak. Obtain extra points depending on the days you keep the strike. If you forget one day your Streak go to 0. 


Go to https://rewards.bing.com/ and obtain 50 points by completing the Daily Set


Go to https://rewards.bing.com/ and obtain 30-40 points by completing More Activities


